E! Bloggers Ball 2018: My Favorites
September 27, 2018
Once a year, the bloggers and vloggers of the Philippines get to meet and be together in the same room for the E! Bloggers Ball.The theme for this year's Ball is High Shine fashion and I must say that everyone looked so stunning with the shiny garments of their look. Despite the theme of the ball, everyone got to flaunt their style in different gowns and suits that would show their personality. So I decided to put together my top 10 Favorite Lists to show how High Fashion the night was with all the high shine fashion looks!
Top 10 Favorite Gowns
Besides Gela Muñoz, the Best Dressed awardee, there were so many other bloggers/vloggers who really stood out with their sparkly dresses and killed their E! Red carpet walk!
1. Janica Floresca (@janicanam)
2. Kas Perez (@kasperloooove)
3. Kally Araneta (@kallyaraneta)
4. Kim Santiago (@imkimsantiago)
5. Mikki Galang (@mikkigalangdotcom)
6. Angel Yeo (@imangelyeo)
7. Helen Payawal (@helenonfleek)
8. Janeena Chan (@janeenachan)
9. Joy Ganzon (@joyganzon)
10. Raegan Burnside (@raeganburnside)
I also loved the looks of the awardees of Best Groupie in E! Bloggers Ball 2017, as always they were so resourceful and creative in putting together a look for this year's theme like how they did last year.
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@thesoshalnetwork |
Top 10 Favorite Suits
Mike Miguel, the Best Dressed for the gents, really followed the high shine fashion theme without forgetting to show his personality with the look (No doubt that he was awarded!). But besides him, there were alot of ladies and gentlemen who really rocked their shiny suits and stole the moment of the girls in sparkly gowns in the E! red carpet.
1. Miko Carreon (@mikocarreon)
2. France Flores (@franceaflores)
3. Kyle Nathaniel Jimenez (@itskylejimenez)
4. Jeffrey Lawrence Ong (@iamjeffong)
5. Martin John Andrade (@martinjohnandrade)
6. Ron Paolo Luna (@ronpaololuna)
7. Lance De Ocampo (@lancedeocampo)
8. Deegee Razon (@dgrazon)
9. EJ Nacion (@ejnacion)
10. Ida Anduyan (@idaandu)
Top 10 Favorite Couples
Being alone in the ball with these cute couples really made me feel so bitter! HAHAHA! Here are some of the iconic couples from the E! Bloggers Ball.
1. Jeff Ong and Rhea Bue (@iamjeffong & @iamrheabue)
2. Miguel Wycoco and Ida Anduyan (@miguelwyc & @idaandu)
3. Miguel Romulo and Rei Germar (@heyitsmigy & @reigermar)
4. Paolo Salgado and Gela Muñoz (@salgadopaolo & @thegelabeef)
5. Juan Paolo Millare and Ira Denise Oyco (@jpaolomilare & @iradeniseoyco)
6. Jacob Benedicto and Kally Araneta (@jacobbenedicto & @kallyaraneta)
7. Miccolo Solis and Ruth Jimenez (@miccolosolis & @roguejimenez)
8. David Apiado and Rochelle Abella (@davidapiado & @rochelleabellaa)
10. Christian Busby and Chelsea Robato (@christian_busby & @chelseamaey)